Zadovoljstvo nam je Vas informirati da je Domu zdravlja Metković odobren novi vrijedan
projekt prekogranične suradnje iz Programa Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Croatia – Bosnia and
Herzegovina – Montenegro. Osim nas u projektu sudjeluju sljedeći partneri: Dom zdravlja
Ljubuški (BiH, glavni partner), Javna ustanova Dom zdravlja Zenica (BiH) i Javna ustanova
Dom zdravlja Tivat (CG). Projekt nosi zanimljiv akronim RISE-UP te ima za primarni cilj
osigurati jednaku dostupnost zdravstvenoj skrbi i jačanje zdravstvenog sustava uključujući
primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu.
Opći cilj projekta je poticanje suradnje između partnera iz ruralnih područja Hrvatske,
Bosne i Hercegovine te Crne Gore, za poboljšanje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga, preventivnu
zdravstvenu zaštite te dostupnost ranjivim i marginaliziranim skupinama. Taj cilj se planira
ostvariti kroz nabavku potrebne medicinske opreme, vozila za patronažne timove,
organizaciju edukativnih radionica za građane, implementaciju novih ICT rješenja, provedbu
pilot projekta, organizaciju preventivnih sistematskih pregleda te pružanje medicinskih usluga
u kući.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 1.855.506,00 EUR, od čega su 85%, odnosno 1.577.180,10
EUR financijska sredstva Europske unije, a 15% trebaju osigurati projektni partneri iz
vlastitih sredstava. Ukupan budžet Doma zdravlja Metković u ovom projektu je 575.631,00
EUR. Predviđeno trajanje projekta je 2 godine.
U sklopu ovog projekta, biti će nabavljena visokovrijedna oprema: digitalni mamograf,
ultrazvuk, automatski analizator urina, denzitometar, insuflator za CT uređaj, medicinski
ležajevi i bolesnički krevet za intezivnu njegu s ugrađenom vagom, patronažno vozilo te
potrebni softweri i računala.
Budući da je cijeli projekt usmjeren na poboljšanje preventivne zdravstvene njege, biti će
organizirani preventivni sistematski pregledi za prevenciju kroničnih bolesti te prevenciju
onkoloških bolesti.
Isto tako, biti će organizirana trodnevna edukativna radionica/simpozij za medicinske
djelatnike na temu novih smjernica u dijagnostici bolesti.
Vjerujemo da će sve planirane aktivnosti biti uspješno realizirane, te da će svi korisnici naših
usluga u konačnici biti zadovoljni sa postignutim rezultatima.
Više informacija o projektu možete pronaći na web stranici https://interreg-hr-ba-
We are pleased to inform you more about approval the new cross-border cooperation project
from the Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro Program
in which Health care center Metković is participating, together with the project partners:
Public institution Health care center Ljubuški (Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a leading partner),
Public institution Health care center Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Public institution
Health care center Tivat (Montenegro). The project bears the interesting acronym RISE-UP
(Rural Initiatives for Enhancement of the Preventive Care) and its primary goal is to ensure
equal access to health care and strengthening the health system, including primary health care.
Overall objective of the project is to encourage cooperation between partners from rural areas
of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to enhance the quality of health services,
preventive health care and accessibility for vulnerable and marginalized groups. This goal is
planned to be achieved through the purchase of the necessary medical equipment, vehicles,
the organization of educational workshops for citizens, representatives of on-call services and
health workers, the implementation of new ICT solutions, the implementation of a pilot
project, the organization of preventive examinations of the working population and home
based services.
Total value of the project is 1.855.506,00 EUR, of which 85%, or 1.577.180,10 EUR, are
financial resources of the European Union, and 15% should be provided by the project
partners from their own resources. The total budget of Health care center Metković in this
project is EUR 575.631,00. The expected duration of the project is 2 years.
As part of this project, high-value equipment will be purchased, such as: digital
mammography machine, diagnostic ultrasound system, urine sediment analyzer, device for
bone densitometry, CO2 insufflator, examination tables and medical bed for intensive care
with a scale, a vehicle for patronage team, softwares and computers.
Since the entire project is aimed at improving preventive health care, preventive examinations
will be organized for the prevention of chronic and oncological diseases.
Also, a three-day educational workshop/symposium will be organized for medical workers on
the topic of new guidelines in the diagnosis of diseases.
We belive that all planned activities will be successfully implemented and that all users of our
services will ultimately be satisfied with the results achieved.
More information about the project can be found on the following website https://interreg-hr-
ba-me.eu/programme-facts .